Workout of the Month: September Women's Workout
A workout specifically designed for women! Unlike men who typically put a lot of focus on the chest, back, and traps, women want to put...
Workout of the Month: September
Last month, I outlined a PUSH/PULL/LEGS program that I recommend and follow myself. Many people found that workout useful, so I am going to post a new...
Workout of the Month: August
I wanted to share something that’s been working well for me lately—my current workout routine. It’s been helping me stay on track with my fitness...
Citrulline vs. Citrulline Malate: What’s the Difference?
Commercially available Citrulline Malate is simply L-Citrulline BLENDED with DL-Malic Acid; it is NOT L-Citrulline molecularly bonded to DL-Malic Acid. Does this matter?
We have created a version of the PR-BUILDING PROGRAM that is great for a powerlifter who is feeling burned out from the typical powerlifting split...
The original PR-BUILDING PROGRAM consisted of a 4-Day Upper Body/Lower Body split with muscle groups/movement patterns being trained every 3-4 days. In this article, I...
PR-BUILDING: How to Calculate Your Macronutrient Intake
To optimally fuel your performance in the gym and recovery outside of the gym, you need to follow a structured nutrition program. Figuring out this...
The combination of low-rep, “strength-focused” training and higher-rep, “hypertrophy-focused” training optimizes the training stimulus for both gaining muscle and strength. With this in mind, I...
Banned Stimulants for Drug-Tested Athletes Part 2
In part 1 of this series, the banned stimulant DMAA and other prohibited aliphatic alkylamines were highlighted. In this article, we will examine four additional...