Workout of the Month: September Women's Workout

Workout of the Month: September Women's Workout

Posted by Derek Charlebois on

A workout specifically designed for women!


Unlike men who typically put a lot of focus on the chest, back, and traps, women want to put more focus on the glutes, shoulders, and arms. The following progress accomplishes that goal!


Note, all exercises are listed in the # of sets X the number of reps. For example, 3 X 6-12 means 3 sets of 6-12 reps. If you can do more than 12 reps with a weight, the weight is too light, and you should increase the weight to make the exercise more challenging. If you cannot do 6 reps with a weight, the weight is too heavy, and you can decrease the weight for the next set.


Workout #1 (Upper Body)

Assisted Chin-Up 3 X 6-12

Standing Military Press 3 X 6-12

1-Arm DB Row 3 X 6-12

Close Grip Bench Press 3 X 6-12

Alternating DB Curl 3 X 6-12

Assisted Dips 3 X 6-12


Workout #2 (Lower Body)

Conventional or Sumo Deadlift 3 X 4-8

Barbell or Machine Hip Thrust 3 X 6-12

B-Stance DB Romanian Deadlift 2 X 6-12 (2 sets with each leg forward)

DB Bulgarian Split Squat 2 X 6-12 (2 sets with each leg)

Lying Leg Curl 3 X 6-12

Calf Raise 3 X 6-12


Workout #3 (Upper Body)

DB Shoulder Press 3 X 6-12

DB or Machine Side Lateral 3 X 6-12

Rear DB Lateral or Reverse Pec Dec 3 X 6-12

V-Bar Tricep Pressdown 3 X 6-12

Skull Crusher 3 X 6-12

Barbell Curl 3 X 6-12

DB Hammer Curl 3 X 6-12


Workout #4 (Lower Body)

Abductor + Adductor Machines 3 X 6-12

Barbell or DB Goblet Squat 3 X 4-8

Barbell or DB Romanian Deadlift 3 X 4-8

Single Leg Leg Press 2 X 6-12 (2 sets with each leg)

DB Lunges 2 X 6-12 (2 sets with each leg)

Cable Glute Kickback 2 X 6-12 (2 sets with each leg)


This workout program places a lot of emphasis on the shoulders, arms, and glutes while still targeting the chest, back, quads, hamstrings, and calves.

Give this workout a try and let me know what you think!

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