Workout of the Month: September

Workout of the Month: September

Posted by Derek Charlebois on

Last month, I outlined a PUSH/PULL/LEGS program that I recommend and follow myself. Many people found that workout useful, so I am going to post a new workout every month. For this month, we will check out a program I am considering running.

At this stage in my life and lifting career, I am not too concerned about increasing the size of my legs. I am of course still training my legs, but not with the same intensity and focus as I used to. Instead, I am putting more focus on my ARMS, with a full arm day. Here is the program I am creating for myself.


Monday = Deadlift + Back/Bis (PULL)

Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups: 5 sets of AMRAP

Deadlifts: 3 X 3-8

Pendlay Row: 3 X 4-8

Underhand Grip or Uni-Lateral Lat-Pulldown: 3 X 8-15

Seated Cable Row: 3 X 8-15

Bicep Machine Curl: 3 X 8-15


Tuesday = Chest/Delts/Tris (PUSH)

Incline Barbell Bench Press 3-5 X 5-12

Flat DB Press: 3 X 8-15

Machine Cable Flies: 3 X 8-15 

Machine Side Lateral: 3 X 8-15 

Overhead Tricep Rope Extension: 3 X 8-15 

Bodyweight Dips: 3 X AMRAP


Thursday = LEGS

Barbell Squats: 3 X 5-12

Barbell Stiff Leg Deadlift: 3 X 5-12

Leg Extensions: 3 X 8-15 

Leg Curl: 3 X 8-15 

Standing Calf Raise: 3 X 8-15 

Abductor + Adductor Machines: 3 X 8-15 


Friday = ARMS

DB Shoulder Press: 3 X 8-15 

DB Side Lateral: 3 X 8-15 

Rear DB Lateral: 3 X 8-15 

Skull Crusher: 3 X 8-15 

Barbell Curl: 3 X 8-15 

V-Bar Tricep Pressdown: 3 X 8-15 

DB Hammer Curl: 3 X 8-15 


I am putting conventional deadlifts on back day for a little extra leg stimulation (so the legs are getting "hit" twice a week). Additionally, I may add in one additional workout day where I push and pull a weighted sled and do ab training. 

If you found this workout helpful or plan to try it, let me know! 

Also, if you would like to see a workout created specifically for women, send me an email and I will post it in October 💪💪

(Send an email to

Derek Charlebois,



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