Workout of the Month: August

Workout of the Month: August

Posted by Derek Charlebois on

I wanted to share something that’s been working well for me lately—my current workout routine. It’s been helping me stay on track with my fitness goals, and I thought you might find it useful too. 
Whether you’re looking to switch things up or find new inspiration, I’m confident these workouts can add some value to your routine.
Lately I've been focusing on keeping my workouts EFFICIENT by choosing the 5 most effective exercises for each workout. Here is my current PUSH/PULL/LEGS routine: 
PUSH (Chest/Shoulders/Triceps)
  1. Incline Barbell Bench Press
  2. Flat DB Press
  3. DB Side Lateral
  4. Overhead Tricep Rope Cable Extensions
  5. V-Bar Tricep Pressdown
PULL (Back/Biceps)
  1. Pull-Ups
  2. Pendlay Barbell Rows
  3. Chest-Supported Machine Row
  4. Barbell Curl
  5. DB Hammer Curl
LEGS (Quadriceps/Hamstrings/Calves)
  1. Barbell Squats
  2. Stiff Leg Deadlift (Barbell or DB)
  3. Leg Extensions
  4. Lying Leg Curl
  5. Standing Calf Raise
I've also been performing 10 minutes of cardio pre AND post workout. This is a great way to get some extra activity (movement/steps) in each day. 


If you are in need of a new workout, try mine and let me know how it goes 💪💪


Derek Charlebois,



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