Derek Charlebois Training Journal: Week of 9/25/17

Derek Charlebois Training Journal: Week of 9/25/17

Posted by Derek Charlebois on

WEEK #4: Weekly Schedule

Monday = Bench Press

Tuesday = OFF

Wednesday = Squats + Deadlift

Thursday = OFF

Friday = Bench Press

Saturday = Squats + Deadlift

Sunday = OFF

My current training program is setup into three training microcycles consisting of an 8-rep workout, 6-rep workout, and 4-rep workout. Microcycle #1 establishes the baseline. Then in microcycle #2 I add 10 lbs to the weights lifted in microcycle #1. And finally, in microcycle #3 I add 5 lbs to the weights lifted in microcycle #2. The three microcycles = one mesocycle.

This week begin microcycle #3.


Monday 9/25/17: Bench Press Focus (8 REPS/6 REPS/4 REPS) 

Bench Press

240 X 8 @ 7RPE

260 X 8 @ 8 RPE

280 X 8 @ 9 RPE (TOP SET)

Bench Press continues to move well. My strength is not at its peak, but if bench continues to progress like this, I MAY surpass my previous best. Because of how well things are going, I will most likely continue this 8/6/4 periodization working up to a 9 RPE top set once I am done with this mesocycle.


Close Grip Bench Press

245 X 8, 8, 8

You may have noticed, and I have mentioned, that I haven’t been super consistent with my assistance and accessory movements during this mesocycle. The ONE assistance exercise I have been consistent with is close grip bench press. I find that whenever my close grip bench press goes up my bench press goes up. Training both bench press and close grip bench press twice a week seems to be working well!



120 X 12, 12, 12


Seated Cable Row

100 X 10, 10, 10


Incline DB Curl

25’s X 8, 8, 8





Tuesday 9/26/17: Squat + Deadlift (8 REPS/6 REPS/4 REPS)


335 X 8, 8, 8

Today was my first squat session with a belt in about a month and squats felt GREAT! I think the weeks of beltless squats was beneficial as I felt my core stability today was better than it has felt in a long time. I plan to keep using my belt from here on out, but I will do most of my warm-up sets (anything 315 lbs and under) beltless.  



460 X 8

505 for 5 singles

I did not plan to switch back to submaximal singles for deadlifts yet, but it just felt like the right thing to do. The set of 8 reps just felt weird; I don’t feel like I perform the deadlift the same when I do reps vs. doing singles.


Single Leg Leg Press

3 X 12

My goal here is not to go heavy, but to train each leg individual through a full range of motion. My left leg is weaker due to my knee injury, so I always start with that leg and simply match whatever my left leg does with my right leg (meaning even if my right leg can do more I don’t do more).




Wednesday 9/27/16 = OFF DAY


Thursday 9/28/17: Bench Press Focus (8 REPS/6 REPS/4 REPS)

Bench Press

260 X 6 @ 7 RPE

280 X 6 @ 8 RPE

300 X 6 @ 9 RPE

Bench felt GREAT today! I was feeling fried after the top set with 315 so I didn’t do any back down sets. 300 X 6 might be a 6-rep weight PR…  not sure, so we will call it an unofficial PR LOL.


Close Grip Bench Press

260 X 6, 6, 6


Seated Military Press

165 X 6, 6, 6


Seal Row

165 X 8, 8, 8, 8, 8

This is such an underrated exercise and one I need to be consistent with!

DB Spider Curl

25 X 12, 10, 8, 6




Friday 9/29/17: Squat + Deadlift (8 REPS/6 REPS/4 REPS)


350 X 6, 6, 6

Squats continue to feel better and better (about time)!



545 for 4 Singles

My grip (hook grip) felt off today. I have been wearing straps up until this week, so I need to relearn how to do this properly I guess.


Glute-Ham Raise + GHR Sit-Up

BW X 12, 12, 12




9/30/17 & 10/1/17 = OFF DAYS



My weekly recap video footage got deleted, so I am just going to do a double update with next week’s video.

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